The following initiatives have been set up to improve EDI across clinical academia.
The MSC ED&I Alliance is responsible for the development of the Medical Schools Council’s work in equality, diversity and inclusion. Formed in 2021, its chief role is to provide practical guidance to support medical schools to become fair, diverse and inclusive environments in which to study and work. The ED&I Alliance aims to work with other sector bodies to improve participation, progression and success in medical education, training and research through advocacy and collaboration.
Follow the link below to find out more:
The Athena Swan Charter is a framework which is used across the globe to support and transform gender equality within higher education (HE) and research. Established in 2005 to encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment, the Charter is now being used across the globe to address gender equality more broadly, and not just barriers to progression that affect women.
Follow the link below to find out more:
The BMA's Women in Academic Medicine group have profiled fifteen women who have distinguished themselves for having motivated and inspired those around them. This link also contains an online webcast discussing the current work of WAM, including promoting role models and understanding the barriers to career progression.
Follow the link below to find out more:
Role models of women in academic medicine
The NHS Race & Health Observatory works to identify and tackle ethnic inequalities in health and care by facilitating research, making health policy recommendations and enabling long-term transformational change.
Follow the link below to find out more:
If you would like to submit an EDI initiative to this page please contact